

The Berkeley Athletic 名人堂 has been established to provide a means to recognize the efforts 和 achievements of various athletes, coaches 和 contributors to 棋牌游戏大全’s Athletic Program while reinforcing a sense of history 和 tradition. 名人堂纪念那些, by outst和ing achievement in athletics or service to BPS 棋牌游戏平台, 对学校有持久的贡献吗.
提名委员会, headed by the Athletic Director 和 comprised of long-st和ing members of the Berkeley coaching staff, 将, 尽其所能, verify athletic records 和 n箭头 down the pool of nominees for the Selection Committee. 遴选委员会, headed by the Athletic Director 和 the Director of 校友 Relations, 将挑选入选者.  校长会批准最后的名单.  Beginning in 2022, inductions 将 move to every-other-year.

查看过去的入选者名单 点击这里.

1. Any former Berkeley student may be nominated based on their athletic accomplishments on Berkeley varsity sports teams 和 must:

a. be at least seven years removed from their high school graduation prior to nomination
b. have a nomination submitted on their behalf detailing their athletic accomplishments, 和
c. have represented Berkeley positively both as a student 和 beyond.

2. 教练, 管理员, 和 special supporters of Berkeley 棋牌游戏平台 are also eligible for induction into the Athletic 名人堂 if they:

a. have a nomination submitted on their behalf detailing the special nature of their contributions to Berkeley 棋牌游戏平台, 和
b. have positively represented Berkeley in the capacity of their nomination for a minimum of five years.

3. Persons currently coaching at Berkeley may be considered for induction after 20 years of service in their coaching position.

4. Once an official nomination has been submitted a c和idate can be considered for five consecutive calendar years. If a nominee has not been inducted after five years of consideration the nomination expires. 不过,任何时候都可能出现重新提名.

你可以提名一位校友, 包括你自己, 从1963年到2018年,请使用下面的表格. 2024年的考虑截止日期是4月15日.


成立于1960年, 棋牌游戏平台是独立的, 圣公会, 位于坦帕的大学预备走读学校, FL, 适用于从幼儿园到12年级的男孩和女孩. Approximately 1,400 students gather here from the greater Tampa Bay area to form ONE Berkeley.